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Аккумулятор Turnigy nano-tech 4200mah 2S2P 40~80C литий-полимерный в жестком корпусе

Цена: 5 003,84 ₽
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Вес в упаковке: 340 г
Turnigy nano-tech 4200mah 2S2P 40~80C Hardcase Pack
  • This stick pack fits Tamiya M05 and Manta Ray type chassis along with many other models designed to accept a NiMh stick pack style battery.

    More than just a fancy name. TURNIGY nano-tech Lipoly batteries are built with a LiCo nano-technology substrate complex that greatly improves power transfer making the oxidation/reduction reaction more efficient. This helps electrons pass more freely from anode to cathode with less internal impedance. In short; less voltage sag and a higher discharge rates than a similar density lithium polymer (non nano-tech) batteries.

    For those who love graphs, it means higher voltage under load, straighter discharge curves and excellent performance. For drivers it spells stronger throttle punches and unreal back straight performance. Excellent news for serious racerss! 

    Unfortunately with other big brands; numbers, ratings and graphs can be fudged. Rest assured, TURNIGY nano-techs are the real deal, delivering unparalleled performance! 

    Capacity: 4200mAh
    Voltage: 2S2P / 2S Cell / 7.4V
    Discharge: 40C Constant / 80C Burst
    Weight: 230g (including wire & case)
    Dimensions: 138x47x23mm
    Balance Plug: JST
    Discharge Plug: HXT4mm

    Advantages over traditional Lipoly batteries;
    • Power density reaches 7.5 kw/kg.
    • Less Voltage sag during high rate discharge, giving more power under load.
    • Internal impedance can reach as low as 1.2mO compared to that of 3mO of a standard Lipoly.
    • Greater thermal control, pack usually doesn’t exceed 60degC
    • Swelling during heavy load doesn’t exceed 5%, compared to 15% of a normal Lipoly.
    • Higher capacity during heavy discharge. More than 90% at 100% C rate.
    • Fast charge capable, up to 15C on some batteries.
    • Longer Cycle Life, almost double that of standard lipoly technology.

    The nano-core technology in lithium ion batteries is the application of nanometer conductive additives. The nanometer conductive additives form ultra-strong electron-conducting networks in the electrodes which can increase electronic conductivity.

    These additives create the ability for imbibition in the carrier liquid to supply more ion channels. This improves the ability of ion transmission and ion diffusion. Through improving electronic conductivity and ion transmission, the impedance is reduced and the polarization of high rate discharge decreases greatly. 

  • Перевод устарел, чуть выше - новое англоязычное описание товара!

    Аккумуляторы серии Turnigy NANO-TECH - отличный выбор перед обычными Li-Po батареями. Изготовленные с использованием LiCo подложки, эти батареи обладают более высокой скоростью окисления/востановления между катодом и анодом, а следовательно способны заряжаться большим током, и обладают высокой токоотдачей.

    Емкость: 4200mAh
    Напряжение: 2S2P / 2 Cell / 7,4V
    Токоотдача: 40C постоянный / 80C пиковый
    Балансировочный разъем: JST-XH
    Силовой разъем: 4мм штырьевой HXT
    Вес: 228г (включая провода и разъемы)
    Размеры: 138(А) x 47(В) x 23(С)мм

    Основные преимущества применения технологий "nano-tech" :

    - увеличена удельная электронная проводимость за счет добавки нанометровых составляющих в электроды
    - нанометровые "присадки" увеличивают скорость ионного обмена между катодом и анодом
    - низкое удельное сопротивление аккумуляторов за счет увеличения ионной проводимости

    Основные преимущества перед обычными Li-Po аккумуляторами:

    - плотность удельной мощности достигает 7,5 кВт/кг
    - более высокая токоотдача под нагрузкой за счет более низкого падения напряжения
    - внутреннее удельное сопротивление может достигать менее 1.2mΩ, в то время как у обычных Li-Po может достигать 3mΩ
    - более низкое тепловыделение батареи под нагрузкой, не превышающая 60 гр.С
    - "распухание" аккумулятора при пиковой токоотдаче не превышает 5%, по сравнению с 15% обычного Li-Po аккумулятора
    - отдача 90% емкости из 100% при пиковой токоотдаче
    - возможность зарядки большим током, в некоторых случаях до 15С
    - большее количество циклов "заряд-разряд" чем обычные Li-Po

  • More than just a fancy name. TURNIGY nano-tech lithium polymer batteries are built with an LiCo  nano-technology substrate complex greatly improving power transfer making the oxidation/reduction reaction more efficient, this helps electrons pass more freely from anode to cathode with less internal impedance.
    In short, less voltage sag and a higher discharge rate than a similar density lithium polymer (non nano-tech) battery.
    Unfortunately with other big brands, numbers, ratings and graphs can be fudged. Rest assured, TURNIGY nano-techs are the real deal, delivering unparalleled performance!
    Capacity: 4200mAh
    Voltage: 2S2P / 2S Cell / 7.4V
    Discharge: 40C Constant / 80C Burst
    Weight: 230g (including wire & case)
    Dimensions: 138x47x23mm
    Balance Plug: JST
    Discharge Plug: HXT4mm

    The nano-core technology in lithium ion batteries is the application of nanometer conductive additives.
    1) The nanometer conductive additives form ultrastrong electron-conducting networks in the electrodes which can increase electronic conductivity.
    2) These additives create a superstrong ability for imbibition in the carrier liquid to supply more ion channels. This improves the ability of ion transmission and ion diffusion.
    Through improving electronic conductivity and ion transmission, the impedance is reduced and the polarization of high rate discharge decreases greatly.
    Advantages over traditional Lipo batteries:
    -Power density reaches 7.5 kw/kg.
    -Less Voltage sag during high rate discharge, giving more power under load.
    -Internal impedance can reach as low as 1.2mΩ compared to that of 3mΩ of a standard Lipoly.
    -Greater thermal control, pack usually doesnt exceed 60degC
    -Thickness swelling during heavy load doesnt exceed 5%, compared to 15% of a normal Lipoly during heavy load.
    -Higher capacity during heavy discharge. More than 90% at 100% C rate.
    -Fast charge capable, up to 15C on some batteries.
    -Longer Cycle Life, almost double that of standard lipoly technology.

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